Respuesta :


Ancient civilization mushroomed in a fashion

But stood like rock for future anticipation

Brotherhood and faith were the corner stone

But in space of time everything has gone

What did it give in for future generation?

Bloody wars and seizure of land with annexation

Compulsory conversion and forceful adoption

We all know people has no other option

Yet there remained firm belief

The name of god or almighty gave them relief

The meaning of good and evil was made understood

Religion and faith became integral part as food

Feudal system too prevailed with same ideology

One religion to be spread over on the name of almighty

No option but only to witness bloodshed and surrender

That was the royal decree and special order

Emergence of somewhat liberal system brought changes

The education and wealth brought about ways to manage

Even though that remained as secret agenda for many states

The moot point was to grant liberation without any dictate

Yet religion stood at the root in the mind of the people

With only one hope that it may ward off any trouble

God may help and side with their truthful pray

Grant prosperity and evil might be kept away

Let there be thousands of religion

Each one has its importance in the regions

It lightens mood early in the morning

When we hear name of the god and face turns shining

We sincerely bow head in recognition

For many religions who have strong inhibitions

Let them pray, preach and propagate in their own way

It must remain distant dream to spread the terror and sway