The evening after Jonas experiences a sunburn for the first time, he feels desperately lonely. Why? According to the giver, what is the purpose of the remembering pain? What example of the purpose does he give Jonas? Both the giver and Jonas do it, the receiver, experience the urge to pass on memories to another. What kind of memories does each of them choose to give up, and what are their motives for doing so? Why does Jonas choose not to tell the giver that he transmitted a memory to baby Gabriel? What is The significance of the phrase back and back and back?

Respuesta :

Answer: He feels desperately lonely because he realizes that no one in his family will ever know pain.

It is a purpose to make you not repeat what dangerous act that was done before to give you that pain, mentally and physically.

Explanation: I am not sure what the other answers are, but here are the first two questions to help out!