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We live in an era of astounding technological transformation in which change, not stability, has become the norm. All around us are now-familiar technologies whose present state of development—or very existence—would have seemed extraordinary just a generation ago. From wireless telephones and handheld GPS units to video games, DVD, and digital television; to genetic engineering, decoding of the human genome, and combinatorial drug design; to MRIs, CT scans, laser eye surgery, and robotic hip replacement surgery; to polymeric materials for inline skates, tennis rackets, and skis; to superalloys for jet engine turbine blades; too lightweight, fuel-efficient automobiles and aircraft; to computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web—technology is everywhere and touching all of us in ever more pervasive ways (see the sidebar “The World Wide Web”).
La información debe de estar preparada y también a la vez de mucho tiempo aprendiendo