Event Credit Payment Interest Principal Balance
$500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00
Payment 1 $100.00 $7.40 $92.60 $407.40
Payment 2 $100.00 $6.23 $93.77 $313.63
Payment 3 $100.00 $4.79 $95.21 $218.42
Payment 4 $100.00 $3.02 $96.98 $121.44
Payment 5 $100.00 $1.86 $98.14 $23.30
Payment 6 $23.64 $0.34 $23.30 $0.00
Grand Total $500 $523.64 $23.64 $500.00 $0.00
Study this payment schedule and answer the following questions.

Part A
How long will it take to pay off this credit card?

Part B
How much will the interest be?