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Think about physical health, money management, decisions, emotional well-being, relationships and social behaviors, and even identity choices and personal values that would play a role in later stages of your development.There are several good decisions that I can make now that will positively impact my life in the future.In regards with the physical health, I will try to avoid sedentary lifestyle. I will try to be active and exercise. Also, I will be more aware of my diet. I will try to eat healthy and balance diet (vegetables, high fiber food). Also, I will not engage in smoking cigarette and minimize consumption of alcohol products (occasional drinking). I will practice healthy lifestyle while I am still young to minimize the risk of health problems in the future.In regards to money management, I will invest on myself and get an education. I will finish my college degree so I can have a rewarding career in Nursing. A profession that can help me be financially stable and independence in the future.In regards with decision, now that my frontal lobe is developed, I can better regulate my emotion and develop logic which can impact in my decision making process. I would make sure that I will not make poor choices that will jeopardize my future career and future life, such as drinking and driving and experimenting use on drugs and sexual promiscuity.In regards with emotional-well being, I will practice internal locus of control and self-awareness, I believe being in charge of myself can help me be responsible of my own action, so I can change and transform myself to be a better person. In regards with relationship, with my intimate relationship I will make sure that I will not lose my sense of self in the process trying to please my partner. Losing my sense of self can lead to resentment in the future. Thus, I will practice healthy intimate relationship “validating couple/relationship”. In regards with social behaviors, I will surround myself with positive people can have positive impact on my life and can provide a great network of support such as family and great friends. In regards with identity choices and personal values, I will try to stay in a profession (Nursing) that is aligned with my personality, values, abilities, skills and interest. I believe that this can enhance my job satisfaction, job performance and can also induce my self-fulfillment and contentment.