Procedural vocabulary, or the words we use to organize and negotiate meaning within a specific subject area are also known as what type of vocabulary words?

Tier I vocabulary terms

Tier II vocabulary terms

Tier III vocabulary terms

All of the above

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Procedural vocabulary, or the words we use to organize and negotiate meaning within a specific subject area, are also known as:

3. Tier III vocabulary terms.

  • Tier I vocabulary refers to basic words that typically do not have multiple meanings. Examples would be: boy, girl, bear, bed, etc.
  • Tier II vocabulary words are words used with high frequency in everyday conversations. They can be used by all types of people discussing all sorts of topics.
  • Tier III words, however, are low frequency words used only in connection to specific areas.
  • For example, if you are learning Chemistry, you know there are certain words that will only be used if discussing that subject, but not in other conversations.

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