The poem is written in first person.
The reason for this is their use of "I" and "My" in the poem. Like for example, "I take five sea smooth stones in my mouth," in which they is talking about themselves. Their is also the line "My son a lion like his dad," that also helps you know this is the authors pov.
- Notes to remember
- First person will mean that one of the characters (or the author) is narrating the story/poem. You'll know its first person because it will use many "I's," "Me's," "Myself's," and ect. (example: I am really tired.") If you read fanfiction this is one of the most used povs.
-second person is when the pov is strustured around the "You" pronoun. (example: You were really tired.) If you read fanfiction you'll probably see this a few times, thought its not as common as first person.
-Third person is when the author is narrating the story about the characters. (Example: "He was really tired.") now third person has two uses. There's Omniscient and Limited.
Third person Omniscient is when the narrator knows everything about the story and characters. (Example: He had been infected with the virus, but he didn't know it yet.)
Third person Limited means sticks closely to one character but remains in third person. This means the author still knows everything, but they also know the feelings and thoughts of the character they are sticking with. They will only reveal the thoughts and feelings of that one character thought.