Respuesta :
hope this helps
The current electoral college is made up of 538 electors, and to win the upcoming 2020 election, a presidential candidate must receive a majority of the available electoral votes. Therefore, a contender must receive a minimum of two hundred and seventy votes to win.
Fail Safes:
With the current electoral college, it is possible to tie at 296 votes apiece if only two candidates run. The candidate with the plurality of electoral votes gets less than 270 votes if the votes are split between more than two candidates.
If no candidate gets a majority of the available electoral votes, the election for President is then decided in the House of Representatives. Each state delegation is allowed one vote, and a majority of states (26) are needed to win the presidency.
Senators elect the Vice-President if the electoral college fails to pick a winner, with each senator having one vote. A majority of senators (51) are needed to win the vice presidency.
(Note: State House delegations can cast their vote for President from among the three candidates with the most electoral votes, while senators are limited to the top two candidates in their vote for Vice-President.)
History has shown instances where the electoral college failed to determine a winner. The House of Representatives decided an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr in 1800. In 1824, the house decided a four-way race in which the candidate who won the plurality of electoral votes, Andrew Jackson, lost to John Quincy Adams. In 1876, the House of Representatives resolved the complicated and still debated Hayes versus Tilden election.
Allocation of State Electoral Votes
As defined by the U.S. Constitution, each state is assigned a number of electoral votes as follows:
One electoral vote for each member in the house of representatives (the number of representatives assigned to each state is determined by the national census, which is taken every ten years.), plus,
One electoral vote for each senator. (Each state is assigned two senators)
Based on this system of assigning electoral ballots, the allocation of electoral votes for the upcoming 2020 election can be seen in the table below.
This system ensures that every state will have at least three electoral votes, and currently, California has the most electoral ballots at 55. The twenty-third amendment to the Constitution entitled the District of Columbia to cast electoral votes equal to the least populous state to allow the district's residents to participate in Presidential elections.