Write a scientific report modeling a written research paper on big data applications.

Your Task

Think of an area that interests you: sports, arts, entertainment, international relief efforts, government, careers, or the weather.

Think of a question you would like to answer. Is it better to wait until the battery is low before you recharge your smartphone? How does a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu decide which shows to offer?

Look for a website where someone already collected a large quantity of data to answer that question. While commercial big data sets may have tens of thousands of values, for this project, look for a data set with at least 100 values.

You are not going to write a program to analyze these data because you have not yet covered how to read data files. You can describe how the researcher(s) who collected the data used them to answer your question.

Your Document Requirements
Part 1: Name
Your name
Names of your partner(s) (include the names of your group if this is a group project)
Part 2: Title
Part 3: Question(s) to Answer
A paragraph that introduces your topic and the question(s) to be answered
Part 4: Exposition
Describe the data you found, including a link to the page
Explain the answer to your question(s)
Give credit to your sources, whether using direct quotes or not
Part 5: Conclusion
A paragraph summarizing your analysis
Part 6: Bibliography
Part 7: Partner Participation (only included for those working in groups)
Describe the role and responsibilities of each member of the group