What is 317.466 ounces or 19.8 pounds
1kg in household measurement is equal to 35.274 ounces.
So, 35.274*9= 317.466 ounces
317.466/16= 19.8 pounds
Please allow me to know this helped with brainly.
Thank you - Miss Hawaii
D) 19.8 lbs
1kg in household measurement is equal to 35.274 ounces. 35.274*9=317.466 ounces.
1kg is also equal to 2.205 lbs. 9*2.205=19.8416
9 kg is also equal to 9000 grams, but grams are not a part of the household measurement system
a) 9000 grams. b) 9000 ounces. c) 19.8 ounces. d) 19.8 pounds.
This leaves us with 19.8 lbs