Part A: The sign blinks for vehicles traveling within 5 mi/h of the speed limit. Write and solve an absolute value inequality to find the minimum and maximum speeds of an oncoming vehicle that will cause the sign to blink.

Respuesta :

Step-by-step explanation:

I guess it will only blink, if the speed is over the speed limit.

because "within 5 mph of the site limit" means actually the interval of 5 mph below to 5 mph above the speed limit.

and what happens, if the car is even faster than that ? no more blinking - normal again ?

many greetings from me to your teacher - the problem descriptions need to be more precise.

so, the inequality must likely fitting to the problem description would be

speed limit < car speed <= speed limit + 5

please note the < sign in the left, as I assume that when the car is going precisely as fast as allowed, it is no reason to warn the driver. only when the speed limit is exceeded.

I am not sure what is meant by the scale value inequality, as we have no further information about specific values or limits.

but I can give an example.

let's assume a 45 mph speed limit zone.

then the inequality to drive the blinking mode of the sign would look like

45 < car speed <= 50