Respuesta :
Many empires rose and fell between 2300 B.C. & 334 B.C. This includes the Babylonian and Hittite Empires which were located near the Middle East. The Babylonian Empire was found particularly in between two rivers, the Euphrates and Tigris, but also stretched to include Present-day Palestine, Present-day & Ancient Israel, North-east of Egypt, and terminating at the ancient city of Ur. The Hittite Empire, on the other hand, included most of present-day Turkey down to present-day northern border of Israel. In comparing both of the empires, we can see that they were able to conquer areas of their surrounding.
However, there are extreme differences between the two empires. One can be savage, in that they continued to war and pillage other civilizations. The Hittite empire fell apart during the rise of the Assryian Kingdom, which effectively removed the "staff of power" from the Hittite's, as well as suppress Babylon.
The Babylonian Empire, on the other hand, rose after the fall of the Assryian Empire, and was able to conquer most of what the Hittite's had. They ruled Northern Egypt, present-day Israel and Palestine, up to what would later be known as Constantinople, and going down to the Persian Gulf. The Babylonians were conquerors, who defeated and assimilated the people groups into the empire, though displacing them to discourage rebellion. They were overthrown later on by the Persians at the end of their empire.
Babylon and the Hittite were similar only in that they became empires, but the differences are great. They both took different approaches in trying to conquer the lands. One tried suppression, while the other did assimilation (though they did have to suppress in numerous occasions). In the end, they both were empires, and they both fell.
Man I hope you mark it as brainliest