As Talia researches MNCs, she will find that they: Check all that apply. Can influence national politics and cultures Generally have managers with diverse backgrounds in culture, education, and country of origin Are controlled by several management authorities that make key strategic decisions depending on the location in which it is operating No longer see themselves as American, Indian, or Chinese companies; they operate globally and serve a global market

Respuesta :

Answer: Generally have managers with diverse backgrounds in culture, education, end country of origin. AND Can influence national politics and cultures.


Usually have managers with a variety of cultural, educational, and national origin backgrounds who can have an impact on national politics and cultures.

What is national politics?

Politics is a category of activities that are related to group decision-making or other types of power dynamics between people, such as the allocation of resources or status. A political system is a framework that outlines socially accepted political practices.

The national politics is the same underlying polity that all of the aforementioned types of government are variations on. While the Montevideo Convention maintains that nations must have a defined area, a permanent population, a government, and the ability to engage in international relations, Max Weber defined the state as a political body with a monopoly on violence inside its territory.

A society without a state is one that is run by no state. There is little concentration of power in stateless societies; the few positions of power that do exist tend to have very little influence and are typically not retained for life; and social entities that settle conflicts through established rules are typically small.

The economic structure and cultural norms of stateless communities vary widely. The majority of the world's population now lives within the borders of a sovereign state, unlike human prehistory, when stateless communities were the norm. Some areas may have very weak and ineffective nominal governmental officials who have little to no real power. The majority of stateless peoples have blended into the state-based communities surrounding them over history.

Political culture explains how national politics are influenced by culture. Every political structure is intertwined with a specific political culture. Political culture is the body of attitudes, convictions, and feelings that provide political processes structure and meaning as well as the fundamental presumptions and guidelines that direct behavior inside the political system.

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