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Concept Application #1
"...Some of those who have entered the United States through our immigration system have
proved to be threats to our national security, Since 2001, hundreds of persons born abroad have
been convicted of terrorism-related crimes in the United States...the unrestricted entry into the
United States of nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen would be
detrimental to the interests of the United States. I therefore direct that the entry into the United
States of nationals of those six countries be suspended for 90 days from the effective date of this
order, subject to limitations, waivers, and exceptions set forth..."-President Donald Trump,
"This morning. (Homeland Security] Secretary (Janet] Napolitano announced new actions my
administration will take to mend our nation's immigration policy to make it more fair, more
efficient, and more just, specifically for young people.These) young people...study in our
schools, they play in our neighborhoods, they're friends with our kids, they pledge allegiance to
our flag. They are Americans in their heart in their minds, in every single way but onc: on paper.
They were brought to this country by their parents...and often have no idea that they're
undocumented. Over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to
national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation
proceedings and apply for work authorization." - President Barack Obama, 6/5/2012
After reading the above passages, respond to parts A, B, and C below:
A) Describe the Presidential power exhibited in the above announced policies.
B) In the context of the passages, describe one similarity AND one difference between the intent
and/or the details of how President Obama and President Trump plan to exercise the power
described in part 'A'
C) In the context of the passages, explain how the use of the power described in part 'A' can be
affected by interactions between the President and Congress.

Respuesta :


(A) (this is your opinion, it's just asking to describe what you thought of the quotes in the policy). (B) Trump wants to suspend immigrants and set limitations while Obama wanted to let them come through because he saw them as American citizens, but he did want to stay safe, he said "eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization". (C) (this answer goes with "A", it's connected to your opinion)


Universidad de Mexico