22. Spaniards born in the New World were referred to as
a. Mulattos b. Mestizos c. Creoles d. Peninsulares
23. What was the greatest weapon the Europeans had to defeat the Native Americans?
a. Caravels b. Canons c. Muskets d. Disease
24. How did the Incas and Aztecs initially view the Spanish explorers?
a. as enemies b. as friends c. as gods d. as allies
25. Where was the first permanent English settlement started?
a. Plymouth b. Roanoke c. St. Augustine d. Jamestown
26. Coronado is credited with finding
a. the Seven Cities of Gold b. the Fountain of Youth c. Florida d. the Grand Canyon
27. Built on the basis of a man's love for his wife, the
is considered the most beautiful building in the world.
a. Trump Towers b. Taj Mahal c. Notre Dame Cathedral d. St. Peters Cathedral
28. Which of the following conquistadores conquered the Aztecs in Mexico?
a. Pizarro b. Cortes c. Coronado d. De Soto
29. Which of the following was the chief of the Aztecs?
a. Montezuma II b. Atahualpa c. Red Cloud d. Sitting Bull