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1: Honor the Institution

Thomas Jefferson did it. So did James Madison, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. They worked tirelessly to make rep-resentative government work. Now, the well-being of your state legislature is in your hands. Preserve and protect it so it remains a strong, co-equal branch of government. Legislative service is one of democracy’s worthiest pursuits. It is an important duty that deserves our time, attention and dedication. To work well, government requires a bond of trust between citizens and their representatives. Tearing down government diminishes your ability to solve problems in the legislature. When you demean the institution, you demean yourself. Try to appeal to the best instincts of the electorate, talk about what you stand for and what you intend to do during your time in office, then work as hard as you can to fulfill those promises. Remember why you ran for office—to make a difference, a difference for the better.


15 Tips For Being An Effective Legislator: January 2011