Read this excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's "Duties of American Citizenship" speech:
But this is aside from my subject, for what I wish to talk of is the attitude of the American citizen in civic life. It ought to be axiomatic in thi
country that every man must devote a reasonable share of his time to doing his duty in the Political life of the community. No man has a
right to shirk his political duties under whatever plea of pleasure or business, and while such shirking may be pardoned in those of small
cleans it is entirely unpardonable in those among whom it is most common--in the people whose circumstances give them freedom in the
struggle for life. In so far as the community grows to think rightly, it will likewise grow to regard the young man of means who shirks his duty
to the State in time of peace as being only one degree worse than the man who thus shirks it in time of war. A great many of our men in
business, or of our young men who are bent on enjoying life (as they have a perfect right to do if only they do not sacrifice other things to
enjoyment), rather plume themselves upon being good citizens if they even vote; yet voting is the very least of their duties, Nothing worth
gaining is ever gained without effort. You can no more have freedom without striving and suffering for it than you can win success as a
banker or a lawyer without labor and effort, without self-denial in youth and the display of a ready and alert intelligence in middle age. The
people who say that they have not time to attend to politics are simply saying that they are unfit to live in a free community
Which addition would most strengthen the author's argument?

facts showing how civic participation supports society

an expert describing the ways that people can vote

an anecdote about the author's leadership experience