Copland wanted “A Lincoln Portrait” to suggest Lincoln’s “gentleness and simplicity of spirit.” Identify a quotation of Lincoln’s in the text that suggests his simplicity of spirit.

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Abraham Lincoln is considered one of our greatest presidents because of his his views of slavery and his emerging view of the government's role in settling the slavery issue. I think this becaus

In December 1863, Lincoln used his war powers and issued a "Proclamation for Amnesty and Reconstruction", which offered Southern states a chance to peacefully rejoin the Union if they abolished slavery and collected loyalty oaths from 10% of their voting population. Showing us that lincoln tried to stop slavery.

Abraham Lincoln is considered one of our greatest presidents because of his his views of slavery and his emerging view of the government's role in settling the slavery issue. I think this because

devoncollins0802 avatar

In December 1863, Lincoln used his war powers and issued a "Proclamation for Amnesty and Reconstruction", which offered Southern states a chance to peacefully rejoin the Union if they abolished slavery and collected loyalty oaths from 10% of their voting population. Showing us that lincoln tried to stop slavery.
