Which answer option best states a theme from the passage?
Ariel thought that Toni's idea for their presentation would be too
difficult to pull off. Too many things could go wrong. Everyone else
would be reading from note cards, so why should their group present
their information in the form of a play?
Toni insisted it would be a great idea. It would surprise Mr. Pink, and
both girls would be sure to get at least a B just for doing something
Ariel finally agreed to go along with Toni's plan. They made costumes
and wrote a script that they practiced for a week. After they gave their
presentation, Mr. Pink was surprised and pleased. He gave Ariel and
Toni the only As in the class.
A. Ariel and Toni plan the presentation for their class.
B. Ariel and Toni get a good grade for their presentation.
C. Doing the unexpected can lead to great rewards.
D. Just getting by is all that matters in the end.