and in the thinking back about my own experience with it i can be objective only to the point where i recall how sweet the anguish was how caught up in the moment i felt and how every nerve in my body was involved in the salute of life later much later after what seemed eternity of dragging the weight of unrequited love around with me i learn to make myself visible and relish the little battle require to win the greatest prize of all and much later i read and understood Camus statement about the subject that concern both adolescent and philosopher alike if love were easy life would be too simple

the author end of the memoir with these lines can refer that
(a) the author yearns to know what happen to her first love after thier years apart
(b) the author is still anguish by her experiences is timid around other people she finds attractive
(c) the author regrets spending so much time on a requited love in her youth
(d)the author has thought repeatedly about her experience with her first love throughout her life even into her childhood
