Respuesta :


1. This is the same as rounding to 1 decimal place

1) 12.6

2) 29.1

3) 2.5

4) 3.4

5) 5.2

6) 89.4

2. This is the same as rounding to 2 decimal places

1) 23.99

2) 3.71

3) 4.45

4) 44.04

5) 999.47

6) 7.44

3. This is the same as rounding to 3 decimal places

1) 1.000

2) 0.267

3) 0.327

4) 66.514

5) 0.230

6) 3.275

4. This is the same as rounding to 1 decimal place

1) 8947.0

2) 4.0

3) 9.0

4) 3.3

5) 55.0

6) 55.6

5. This is the same as rounding to 2 decimal places

1) 99.69

2) 13.23

3) 6.51

4) 755.30

5) 222.68

6) 499.99

Rounding tips

If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. E.g. 99.689 to the nearest hundredth → 99.69

If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. E.g. 13.232 to the nearest hundreth → 13.23


the newest question on 1/11/2021 plank of square wood answer for perimeter was answered wrong by your helper and i couldn't enter y own correction help for you so will tell you here that the 78.4 inch / 4 side perimeter = 19.6 inch

Answer to these questions are round to nearest 100th =   1) 99. 69  2) 13 .23  3)6 .51  4)755 .30  5) 222 .68  6) 499. 99    Answers to asked round to the nearest 10th (page2) are = 1) 12. 6  2) 29 .1  3) 2 .5 4) 3 .4  5) 5 .2  6) 89. 4   2) Round to nearest 100th 1) 23. 99  2) 3. 71 3) 4. 45  4) 44 .04  5) 999. 47  6) 7.  44    Answer to nearest 1000th 1) 1.000   2) 0.267 3)0.327  4)66.514 5) 0.230  6) 3.275     answer to nearest tenth = 1) 9.0  2) 4.0 3) 9.0  4) 3.3   5) 55.0   6) 55.6   just ensure this is rewrote out and use colours to show where rounded to zero and look for your last question and see that the side lengths at top for plank of wood are each 19.6 inch as he had got it wrong and i a girl and know better ! and can confirm that I completed as required and did all pages here and corrected your newest page for you too and hopefully you can give a like for my answers ?