Respuesta :
The circulatory system is the method of transport in plants and animals. Animals must have nutrients and oxygen reach every cell in their body. Plants must have nutrients and carbon dioxide reach every cell in their “body.” Both plants and animals must also have waste products removed from their systems.
You are gonna have to change the wording a little but thats ok! An y'know what? I have the same answer on one of my past test we did like a week ago!
In plants, there is a conducting tissue that is located in the veins. Inside, there are xylem cells that conduct water and minerals upward from roots to leaves and phloem that conducts food. Plants have only water solutions flowing through the tubing. Animals can have one of two kinds of circulatory systems: open or closed. In animals, each blood vessel in the network is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells and for removing wastes and carbon dioxide from cells.