Respuesta :
With growing worldwide interest in the oil and gas
reserves of the Caspian region, the ecological prob-lems of the area are also receiving increased attention.Due to its position in the far southeast of Europe, littleinformation about the region was available in the Westuntil recently, and it was not until a few years ago thatthe public became aware of the potential disasterthreatening the unique ecosystem of the Caspian Seaand its immediate surroundings (Dumont 1995). Stone(2002) described most of the acute problems in thisarea: reduction of the river run-off reaching theCaspian Sea caused by damming the main tributary,the Volga river; the unstable water level; the varioussources of pollution; the over-utilisation of its livingresources (in particular the sturgeon species); and,finally, the threat to the entire system posed by a newinvader, the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi.
reserves of the Caspian region, the ecological prob-lems of the area are also receiving increased attention.Due to its position in the far southeast of Europe, littleinformation about the region was available in the Westuntil recently, and it was not until a few years ago thatthe public became aware of the potential disasterthreatening the unique ecosystem of the Caspian Seaand its immediate surroundings (Dumont 1995). Stone(2002) described most of the acute problems in thisarea: reduction of the river run-off reaching theCaspian Sea caused by damming the main tributary,the Volga river; the unstable water level; the varioussources of pollution; the over-utilisation of its livingresources (in particular the sturgeon species); and,finally, the threat to the entire system posed by a newinvader, the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi.
It was accidentally introduced into the Black Sea for the first time in the early 1980s, possibly with ballast water from the northwestern Atlantic coastal region. It spread north from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov, south to the Sea of Marmara, and east to the Mediterranean.
What are comb jellies?
Comb jellies, unlike jellyfish, do not sting. Whereas the creatures are not straightforwardly used by humans, those who do play an important role in marine food chains.
Some lifeforms control zooplankton, although if unchallenged could wipe out phytoplankton.
Sea turtles, fish, marine mammals, and also other comb jellies are natural predators of comb jellies.
Comb jellies have different dietary strategies depending on the species and habitat, but the majority are passive feeders.
It was first accidentally introduced into the Black Sea in the early 1980s, conceivably with ballast water from the northwestern Atlantic coastline.
It extended north out from Black Sea to the Azov Sea, south to the Marmara Sea, and east to the Mediterranean.
Thus, this way the black sea ecosystem was affected.
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