Which of the following is a correct example of the plural possessive case A men's plans b. It's place c. Stone's throw d. Women's plans

Respuesta :

Based on the answer choices given:
there are 2 (TWO) correct answers:
[A] men's plans ; AND:
[D] women's plans .
However, if you meant to write the answer choices as:
(a) men's plans; 
(b) it's place ;
(c) Stone's throw;
(d) woman's plans ;
than the answer would be: [A]: men's plans .
Note: "woman" is singular; so "woman's plans" would be "SINGULAR possessive";
whereas:  "women" is plural (more than one WOMAN)—the plural of "woman" is "women"; so "women's plans" would be "PLURAL possessive".
"man" is singular; so "man's plans" would be "SINGULAR possessive";
whereas:  "men" is plural (more than one MAN)—the plural of "man" is "men"; so "men's plans" would be "PLURAL possessive".
Hope this explanation helps!