
Compare the emerging economic and political systems of industrialism and democracy with the economic and political systems of the previous era, agriculture and absolutism.

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The economic system of the industrialism and democracy is more reliant on work force. The agriculture and absolutism era was limited to the possible production levels of a certain territory. No matter how much men worked, very little increase is obtained. The political system of the industrial era involved more men while the absolutism era only allowed certain men of power and influence to rule.


    The economic systems of agriculture and industrialism are similar since they both produced products of some kind and produced income for manufacturers. Both eras of industry were very important to the development of the economy in their respective areas and contributed to trade and commerce of goods and products. However, the agricultural era was characterized by people working on land rented by nobles, where they produced small-scale, personal goods and had limited personal economic and social growth. In contrast, the industrial era presented a boom in manufacturing and growth, where workers worked on privately owned land and businesses churned out large quantities of goods. Workers in the agricultural era often lived and worked in rural areas and had few economic freedoms, whereas workers in the industrial era often lived and were employed in urban cities and had more economic freedom than before.

    The political systems of absolutism and democracy are similar in that they both have an entity governing the state who were responsible for protecting the people they governed. They are also government systems that have withstood the test of time and have been around for a long period of time. However, absolutism features a single person ruling over the state with unlimited power while citizens had limited freedom and rights. It has been a style of government for an extremely long time in various countries such as England and France. Due to its absolute rule and concept of divine rights, it has been a frequent reason for rebellion and independence in various territories. In contrast, democracy is where a group of elected representatives are the entities running the government. Representatives and decisions are decided through votes from the people. Colonists during the American Revolution aspired to break from the British monarchy to pursue a democratic-style government. In democratic states, all people have equal political say and have increased rights and freedoms.