When germany invaded and took a piece of poland, they didn’t fear u.s. or european reactions because
a. the munich conference had gone peacefully and germany’s desires were met.
b. there had been no reaction when germany had remilitarized.
c. europeans powers continued to embrace a policy of appeasement in an effort to avoid war.
d. of the lack of reaction seen through all of the above examples.?

Respuesta :

Answer:WWI was to have been the war to end all wars, and I believe that because it lasted approximately 3 yrs., that people took that assessment to literally and didn’t continue to keep tabs on what countries like Germany and their leaders were doing in an effort to keep peaceful apparitions in place. So when Hitler invaded Poland it didn’t really effect the US at the time b/c the war was contained in Europe. What got the US involved in it in Europe was that Germany attacked our merchant ships heading to European countries, wheather they were involved in the war or not. Then in 1941, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbor in our territory at the time of Hawaii, were we had, and continue to maintain a large naval and ground based operation. We fought wars on two fronts, Europe and Pacific.
