Respuesta :

The answer is letter C "he becomes a lion"

Chura walked down the same path and saw Marwe! Marwe hugged him and told him, "Chura, I want to marry you, but I must marry a man named Lion!" Chura puffed up his chest proudly and replied " But I am Lion! I killed one and the Masai Warriors named me that!" In the end, they lived happily ever after.

Answer: C. He becomes a lion.

Explanation: In the passage, Chura who was now a notable brave man was renamed Lion (Simba). As it says thus in the passage. The guards on the other hand warned Marwe not marry any other man except a man named Lion (Simba).

"The Masai Warriors were very proud of Chura and decided to honor him as a Masai Warrior

too! They took the skin of the lion and made it into a headdress for Chura, they gave him the

spear and decided that he needed a new name.

Warrior 1: You do not need the name Chura meaning toad anymore!

Warrior 2: You need a name that means what you have done!" said another,

Warrior 3: How about... Donkey?

Warrior 4: No! A donkey smells too bad.

The warriors argued the whole night about Chura's new name... until they found the perfect


"Many men will want to marry you, but you must marry the man with the name Lion (Simba)!"

Marwe agreed and stepped into the real world"

"Many months passed and rumor had it that a very pretty woman who was rich and

single was sitting by the lake. Many men came to ask her to marry them but each time, she

would say, "What is your name?" and each man would say " Jaguar, Kangaroo, Sheep, Fish!" But

she turned each one down. A month later, Chura walked down the same path and saw Marwe!

Marwe hugged him and told him, "Chura, I want to marry you, but I must marry a man named

Lion!" Chura puffed up his chest proudly and replied " But I am Lion! I killed one and the Masai

Warriors named me that!" In the end, they lived happily ever after"