Create a literal question that can be answered by this excerpt from Little Brother:

He slammed his hand down on the desk and then pointed his finger at me. "The *problem*, Mr. Yallow, is that you've been engaged in criminal conspiracy (a secret plan) to subvert (ruin, break) this school's security system, and you have supplied security countermeasures (ways around the system) to your fellow students. You know that we expelled Graciella Uriarte last week for using one of your devices." Uriarte had gotten a bad rap. She'd bought a radio-jammer from a head-shop near the 16th Street BART station and it had set off the countermeasures in the school hallway. Not my doing, but I felt for her.

Respuesta :

There are several literal questions that can be asked and used by the above excerpt. One would be "Why would Mr. Yallow want to ruin the system?". Another question would be "Why was Graciella Uriarte expelled from school?". 

One of the questions you could ask is "Why/When was Graciella Uriarte expelled?" From the passage, we know that Graciella was expelled last week. Moreover, we know that she had bought a radio-jammer from a head-shop near the 16th Street BART station, and that this had set off the countermeasures in the school hallway. Therefore, both of these literal questions could be answered by the passage.