Respuesta :

Sorry dude I don't know

 Today’s most advanced light microscopes can magnify a specimen up to 2000 times its size. Scientists can use light microscopes to observe organisms that are living or dead, and the images seen through light microscopes are in color. Which provides scientists with information they cannot see through the regular human eye. That is a great advantage!

The -ANSWER- you're looking for: even though the electron microscopes are much larger than light microscopes, and are much more expensive because they can magnify an object up to 300,000 times their normal size. Which is way better then the light microscope, scientists cannot observe living specimens through them like with the light microscope, that is a huge disadvantage for the electron microscope. Other disadvantages of electron microscopes are that the specimens can only be observed in black and white, and electricity is required to operate the microscope.

Which in turn makes the light microscope at a better advantage.

_Ani H.