Respuesta :
I am the One True God. Worship No one but me.
This is not as simple as it looks. Money and what if can buy usually gives problems.
Do not make and worship idols.
This too is much simpler said than done. A Maserati is a very fine car. It's hard not to run a rag over its surface.
Do not use my name for evil purposes. My name is to be worshiped. It's not only cursing that's a problem. It's praying that bad things happen to your enemies.
Observe the Sabbath and Keep it Holy. It's again hard not to work on Sunday when you are called in and your boss is short handed.
Respect your mother and your father. This is likely the hardest one of all, particularly if you are a teen. You must respect them even if they are wrong.
Do not commit murder. Do not serve in a military branch that does. Be a pacifist if you can manage it.
Do not commit adultery. That's sleeping with someone else's betrothed. Really hard when you are young.
Do not steal. Be honest in your dealings. Pay for what you need.
Do not lie about someone. Always tell the best truth you know about other people.
Do not desire another person's possessions. Barter honestly for them if you must have them. If he will not give them up (especially a mate), then find your own.