
Use the key to identify each species. Write the letter of each species (A to G) in the correct
box beside the key. One has been done for you.
1 (a)
Abdomen with a tail
Abaliella dicranotarsalis
Abdomen without a tail
go to 2
2 (a)
go to 3
р G
Legs much longer than abdomen and
Legs not much longer than abdomen and
Hairs on the legs
go to 4
3 (a)
Tegenaria domestica
No hairs on the legs
Odielus spinosus
4 (a)
Cephalothorax or abdomen segmented
Chelifer tuberculatus
go to 5
5 (a)
Cephalothorax and abdomen not segmented
Abdomen and cephalothorax about the same Poecilotheria regalis
Abdomen larger than cephalothorax
go to 6
6 (a)
Body covered in long hairs
Tyroglyphus longior
Body not covered in hairs
Ixodes hexagonus

Use the key to identify each species Write the letter of each species A to G in the correct box beside the key One has been done for you Коу 1 a Abdomen with a class=

Respuesta :

Dichotomous keys are useful to identify organisms according to their morphological traits. The given key provides enough macroscopic morphological traits to identify these Arachnida species.


A dichotomous key is a significantly useful tool to classify organisms. The key provides an easy and fast way for identification by describing different morphological traits, leading you to the correct taxonomic classification.

The key provides morphological descriptions about different taxonomic groups in an easy way to identify these traits in your individual.

The term dichotomous refers to how information is provided. You will always have two options (a and b, or 1 and 2), and you will have to choose one of them according to the characteristics of your organism.  

In the exposed example, as the key provides morphological traits, we will separate the organisms into two groups:

  • the group that has the trait
  • the group that does not have it.

By recognizing each trait in each of the individuals, we will get to identify the species.


(a)  Abdomen with a tail --------------------------- The only option is E

(b)  Abdomen without a tail ----------------------  All the others A, B, C, D, F, G

2  ---Only for  group A, B, C, D, F, G---

(a) Legs much longer than abdomen and  cephalothorax ----------A and G

(b) Legs not much longer than abdomen and  cephalothorax----- B, C, D, F

3  ---Only for  group A, G---

(a) Hairs on the legs -----------------------------------The only option is A

(b) No hairs on the legs ------------------------------ G

4  ---Only for  group B, C, D, F---

(a) Cephalothorax or abdomen segmented ----------------The only option is D

(b) Cephalothorax or abdomen not segmented ----------- B, C, F

5  ---Only for  group  B, C, F---

(a) Abdomen and cephalothorax of the same size --------The only option is F

(b) Abdomen and cephalothorax of different size -------B, C

6  ---Only for  group B, C---

(a) Body covered with long hair ----------------------------------The only option is C

(b) Body not covered with hair ------------------------------------B

A  →  Tegenaria domestica

B  →  Ixodes hexagonus

C  →  Tyroglyphus longior

D  →  Chelifer tuberculatus

E  →  Abaliella dicranotarsalis

F  →   Poecilotheria regalis

G  →  Odielus spinosus


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