Respuesta :
1. In the refrigerator: This is the easiest method but it takes a long time, so you must plan ahead. (A pound of meat can take a entire day to thaw.) Advantages to this method are that it’s hands-off and the refrigerator keeps food at a safe temperature. You can thaw dinner during the day while you’re at work – and if you decide to eat out instead, the food will be safe for eating later or refreezing.
• 2. In cold water: Sealed packages of food may be thawed in cold water. Place the package under water in a bowl, pot, or sink and change the water every 30 minutes until the food is defrosted.
• 3. In the microwave: Microwave thawing may be uneven, leading to poor quality or even bacterial growth. It’s best to use this method if you’re going to cook the food, or for frozen fruits and berries that you’re going to serve immediately.
• 4. At room temperature: Pastries, breads, and fruits may be thawed for 2-4 hours at room temperature. Do not use this method for meat, fish, and vegetables.
my mom just leaves it out on the counter for about 10 minutes. (covered with plastic btw)