Using the basic arranging aspects discussed in the ACQUIRE section, arrange the following brief musical excerpt for a standard four-voice chorus. This is a famous chorale tune that is printed in a version for solo piano.
1. Using this 4-line staff paper (click here), rewrite the music on five separate lines as follows:
Line 1: Soprano Voice Part--treble clef
Line 2: Alto Voice Part--treble clef
Line 3: Tenor Voice Part--treble clef (this part is considered a "transposing" part and is to be written in the treble clef, one octave higher than sounding).
Line 4: Bass Voice Part--bass clef
2. Add appropriate dynamics.
3. Add an appropriate tempo marking.
4. Write in the lyrics (if you do not know the lyrics to this piece, do an internet search and use the first verse for this assignment. Write or type the lyrics under the notes for each of the four voice parts).