
Create a modern tale which mimics the structure and purpose of Chaucer’s tale. Write from the point of view of a contemporary traveler, heading for a destination of worship (not necessarily religious) with a group of friends and acquaintances. For your pilgrimage, you must do the following:
Choose a topic (listed below).
Assume a persona: a football player, a teacher, a lawyer, a secretary, a person of ill repute, a construction worker, etc.. (Perhaps draw upon your own job experiences?)
Include a PROLOGUE in which you introduce the circumstances of the journey and the characters involved (no less than three, no more than five
Write a linking prologue plus a tale by the character. Employ ONE of the multiple types of tales used by Chaucer – i.e. fable, exemplum, sermon, romance, etc. These will of course be a great deal shorter than any of Chaucer’s tales due to space available.
Your tale(s) should have some moral truth, value, or advice to offer.
Edit your work before writing a final draft. You must use appropriate punctuation and grammar. That this is in verse is not an excuse to abandon mechanical accuracy. (You will be required to peer review and submit your reviewer’s critique as part of your final submission.
You will be graded on: how well you adhere to the stated criteria; imagination and creativity; skill; humor; presentation; mechanical accuracy.
Possible themes to consider writing your tale:
Confidence vs. insecurities
Overcoming fears
Appreciation/ gratitude
Acceptance/ tolerance
Overcoming adversities
Loss of innocence/ Coming of age (Learning about the harsh realities of the world)
Sacrifice (What will you do or say to save/ help someone else?)
Nature vs. nurture
Fall from grace (i.e., opening Pandora’s Box, tasting the forbidden fruit, etc.)
Love (platonic - romantic)
Friendship (How far will you go? Standing up for friends, etc.)
Fate/ destiny (Are you in control of your fate? Is there such a thing?)
Revenge (Good vs. bad outcomes, etc.)
Role of women, minorities, etc.
Choices and possibilities
Guilt vs. forgiveness
Family bond/ loyalty

if you can do this right give me your twitter or discord and ill add u so u can send me your amazon wishlist i will get 1 thing for u.