
define newtons first law of motion with examples(class 9 ) plssss itz urgent

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Newtons first law state that if a body is in motion it will be in motion and if a body is in rest it will tend to be in rest. This phenomena is also called INERTIA. Example: We tend to fall sideways when a car turn suddenly

Newton's first law of motion states that an object maintains its state motion or that of rest unless subjected to some external force.

It means that if an object is moving then it will not stop until we apply force on it. Similarly, if an object is at rest, then it will not move until we apply force on it. Objects also maintain their speed, it means that their speed will not change unless we apply force.

This is because objects have inertia. Inertia is the measure of the property of the object to oppose any change in its motion. More the mass more the inertia. This is why this law is also known as the law of inertia.


1. A bag kept on the top of bus, falls backward because it maintains its state of rest and bus starts moving.