
In looking back at one of our essential questions - "How does the creation and evolution of our government make it the way it is today both locally, nationally, and globally?" - we have learned about the creation of our Constitution and topics such as Congress, the President, and Supreme Court. Using one of the Articles of the Constitution (Article I to Article VII) that we have studied in this unit, how does it make our government the way it is both locally, nationally, and globally?

Respuesta :

1. The creation and evolution of the U.S. government enabled the United States to become the motherland of democracy.

  • The U.S. government was created based on democratic principles and the protection of human rights. The governmental system ensures that there are checks and balances in the exercise of governmental power.

  • For example, Articles I, II, and III established the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary branches of government so that excessive governmental powers do not concentrate within a single entity or person.

2. Worldwide, many democratic governments have copied Article I, emulating the U.S. government to establish bicameral legislatures.

  • The bicameral legislative house is also the practice among the states and local governments of the United States.

Thus, we can conclude that the creation and evolution of the U.S. government have influenced governments with democratic norms and practices spreading locally, nationally, and globally.

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