Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronounces.
1. That man ___ will not work must starve.
2. Such a man ___ he should he honoured.
3. These mangoes are not such ___ I bought yesterday.
4. It is not such a pretty place ___ I had expected.
5. We have need of more such men ___ he.
6. He plays the game ___ he likes best.
7. I do not believe ___ you say
8. My uncle, ___ I loved, is dead
9. The farmer is cutting the corn ___ has ripened.
10.___ you say is not true.
11. A lady ___ I know nourished the child
12. He says ___ he means, and means ___ he says.
13. ___ pleases you will please me.
14. I gave it to the man ___ I saw there.
15. I know ___ you are seeking.
16. They ___ touch pitch will be defiled.
17. You have not brought the book ___ I asked for.
18. Only he ___ bears the burden knows it's weight.
19. Such books ___ you read are not worth reading.
20. When you speak to him remember to ___ you are speaking
21. I regard that man as lost ___ lost his sense of shame.
22. Wealth is not his ___ has it, but his ___ enjoys it.
23. Реople ___ are too sharp cut their own fingers.
24. Truth provokes those ___ it does not convert
25. We do not know ___ he intends to do.
26. It is an ill wind ___ blows nobody good.
27. Is this a dagger ___ I see before me?
28. I know to ___ you are alluding.
29. ___ the gods would destroy they first make mad.
30. He is the very man ___ we want.
31. Please recite ___ you have learned.
32. They always talk ___ never think.
33. Such ___ have pure hearts shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.
I know some might be confusing this is a 7th grade questions....