EASY PUZZLE FOR FUN! YOU WILL GET LOTS OF POINTS AND BRAINLIEST!!!! This is a crypt-arithmetic puzzle! it goes like this! S E V E N + S E V E N + S E V E N + N I N E = T H I R T Y, each letter represents a number, and you can only use numbers 0-9, meaning 0 and 9 can be used too, no double digit numbers! For example: S can mean 7, and there is 3 S's, meaning 7x3=21, you cannot use decimals, only whole numbers. And you cannot use the same number for two types of different letters. As you can see thirty is the final answer, each letter in thirty is a number! Meaning you would have to either use high numbers or come up with something! For example: there is 6 letters in thirty, meaning, you will use 5 numbers since there is 2 T's, for example 9,8,7,6,5. Thirty=40, you will have to use the letters in the 3 SEVEN and 1 NINE words and turn them into numbers, example: S=1, meaning, 1x3=3, you get the idea. Good luck!

Respuesta :


This question is very tricky but i think i got it right. so first i tried making all the s's into sevens but that didn't work since it just adds up to a lower value. So i tried looking at it from another angle. This time i added the e's together to make 9 i forgot what were the e's but the fraction i came up with just didn't add up. Then i read the question again it said i cant add from 0-9 i thought i could only add from 0-5 this changed everything. I tried again and i came up with my final answer: (estimation) 250???