Something to be grateful for at school and 5 reasons.

Grateful for teachers because they help us learn
Equipping Students to Be Successful & Happy
9 Things Students Have to Be Thankful for (but Usually Aren’t)
Updated on August 11, 2021 By Daniel Wong 9 Comments
Happy student
Students have so many things they complain about, right?
Too much homework.
Naggy parents.
Not enough money.
Early mornings.
Strict teachers.
The list goes on and on.
When I was a student, I used to complain about everything. But one day I realized that the antidote to complaining is gratitude.
So after reading this article, I felt inspired to come up with a list of nine things that students have to be thankful for – but usually aren’t.
Here’s the list:
1. Naggy parents = People who love you unconditionally
2. Internet/phone/TV restrictions = Parents who care about your future
3. No pocket money to buy the coolest clothes = Learning the difference between wants and needs
4. Homework = Opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills
5. Early school day mornings = Getting a quality education
6. Tests and exams = Valuable feedback on your learning progress
7. Group projects = Learning collaboration and interpersonal skills
8. Difficult concepts and topics = Developing perseverance
9. Mandatory subjects you dislike = Growing in patience
It’s natural to focus on the negative things in life, rather than the positive.
But to find long-term happiness and success, we must cultivate the habit of gratitude.
I hope this article helps you to do that in a small way.