Making sense of each letter of the word SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY with a phrase or word that gives meaning to these words is called an acrostic.
S cientists
C ommunication
I ntelligence
E conomy
N ature
C omputing
E ducation
T rying to build something new that develops the
E conomy and improve the
C ommunication, developing globalization
H as a great importance to institute
N ew ways of
O rganizations that improve society and change the
L ife of the population making it simpler and facilitating the work of
O rganizations that develop new products such as
G ames, computers and cell phones that transform my life and
Y ours.
Therefore, you must create the acrostic from the combination of the letters of a word written in vertical form, writing corresponding words or phrases from the initial letter of the word.
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