"The Crucible" is the play that sought to present the problems caused by the trials of the Witches in Salem. Furthermore, Arthur Miller, the author of the play, was inspired by the hunt for supporters of communism that settled in America during McCarthyism.
We can associate the following events, in the paly, with McCarthyism events in real life:
McCarthyism does not have a bad reputation because of this play, but because of its flawed nature. McCarthyism presented itself as something delusional, which frightened the population, did not present evidence, and unfairly prejudged people, in addition to promoting strong persecution of innocent people, such as teachers and professors, for example.
Anyway, the play had a certain impact on the hearts of Americans in relation to McCarthyism, as it showed how easy it was to create terror in the population through lies. In this case, we can consider that the play was effective in its message.
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