
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Using the basic drawing tools, how do we use the pencil tool?

a. It is the tool that draws free lines onto the picture.

b. It is used to create perfectly straight lines.

c. It is used to fill an area with a solid color or pattern.

d. It is used to to make a circle line

2. In the elements of line, why do we used horizontal line to our drawing?

a Because it gives relaxation and make the subject wide.

b. Because it can convey stress, tension and stability.

c To make a drawing becomes rigid

d. In order to make a brighter view

3. In the principles of art, why do artist use contrast?

a Artist use contrast because it creates interest in piece

b. Artist use contrast because it gives life.

c. Because it makes a piece stand out

d. It helps more easier to determine

4. Artist use emphasis in his/her drawing. Why?

a. To make his/her drawing visually interesting

b. To make his/her drawing stand out,

c. To make his/her drawing becomes boring.

d. To make his her drawing attractive

5. Artist also use text tool in the drawing software, how do they used it? and reverse an action

a. They used it through cancels, annuls in its effect

b. They used it through rubber stamps of the letters of the

c. They used it through reduces the passage of light. alphabet

d. They used it through to manipulate drawing software.

6. What is the purpose of the artist in using a curve line in the drawing tool tool?

a The purpose of the artist is to give relaxation in a piece.

b. The purpose of the artist is to show smooth flow, waves or movement

c. The purpose of the artist is to convey stress, tension or instability,

d. The purpose is to initiate interesting to the viewer

7 Digital art is considered real art, why?

a. Because different artistic thinking and skill are applied.

b. Because introduces new and single ways of looking at things

c. Because the same artistic thinking and skills are applied by the artist

d. It prom promotes a wider thinking

8. Why is innovative equipment like computer, laptop and tablet are now useful? artworks

a. Because innovative equipment is for playing games and

b. Because artist use innovative equipment to make wonderful surfing the internet only

c. Because innovative equipment is not limited.

d.Because it will promote an easier task does artwork become wonderful?

a. because it used principles of art

b. because it used elements of art

c. Because it used art processes elements ang principles

d. because it used to solicit interest

10. Why did artist used computer in making digital art?

a. because it has a different software.

b. because it has limited software.

c. because ut has basic drawing tools, selection tool, and text inserton

d. because it need more easier

Respuesta :


1)= It is the tool that draws free lines onto the picture.

2)= Because it gives relaxation and make the subject wide.

3)= Artist use contrast because it gives life.

4)= To make his her drawing attractive.

5)= They used it through to manipulate drawing software.

6)= The purpose of the artist is to show smooth flow, waves or movement.

7)= Because different artistic thinking and skill are applied.

8)= Because artist use innovative equipment to make wonderful surfing the internet only.

9)= Because it used art processes elements and principles.

10)= because ut has basic drawing tools, selection tool, and text inserton.

short form:

  1. a
  2. a
  3. b
  4. d
  5. d
  6. b
  7. a
  8. b
  9. c
  10. c

you can mark me brainliest if my answer is useful.