1) What happened in the North African cities of Carthage and
Cyrene as a result of having silphium? Add the event to the chart

A legend began
about how silphium
ED mysteriously
appeared in North

Silphium from
North Africa
one highly
ilu by people in
Greece and Rome.


An unusual rain
made silphium
grow in the cities of
North Africa
Silphium had
special powers in
the cities of North

The people of
Carthage and
Cyrene traded
silphium for prizes
Carthage and
Cyrene became
very rich from
trading silphium

Respuesta :


back to you on that one and I will be there at masaya I can get it and I'll send it and I'll send it tomorrow I can come by at least the yard at work today so will have been working on the answer is yes babe I can get it to me by the end of this month and next week is