I think the author a noteworthy woman novelist, is a modern Indo-English writer, widely acclaimed not only in India but also in the world of fiction writing. She emerged after independence, deliberating on the highly debatable contemporary issues. Best On what I see the author is a keen observer of the society and the position of the women in the contemporary society draws her special attention. The novels are noted for the profound probing into the inner life and feelings of the women, bounded by the shackles of the middle class. They are the explorations of the family problems, which perhaps is the chief cause behind the estrangement of the women from their family. Literature for her is not a means of escaping reality but an exploration and an inquiry. She prefers the private to the public world and avoids the traditional grooves of external reality and physical world. In fact, her real concern is the thorough investigation of human psyche, inner climate, and she unravels the mystery of the inner life of her characters. Her main engagement is to study human existence and human predicament, her exploration being a quest for self. Author main focus, in this way, is to depict the psychic states of her protagonists at some crucial juncture of their lives.