3. A man of violence killed me, took away my earthly strength; then he plunged me in water, plucked me out, and set me in the sun. I lost my hair; the keen knife-edge cut me, scraped off my impurities. Then the quill of a bird spread drops upon me, sullied my surface. It drank deep in the ink, stepped again upon me; black was its track. A man then covered me with a binding, stretched a hide over me, adorned me with gold, decked me with the marvelous works of craftsmen, strengthened me with wire. Thus made splendid with red and gold, may I live to make known the glory of God and never be a penance to man. If the children of men will employ me, they shall be more safe, more sure of success, more staunch in soul, blithe in heart, and wise in mind. They shall have in me a friend who will be dear and near to them, loyal and kind-a friend who will gladly labor to increase their joy and fame, who will cover them with his kindness, and clasp them with loving bonds. Find out what I am called-I who am useful to men, famous and holy.