Respuesta :
Answer: x=-56
Step-by-step explanation: Changes made to your input should not affect the solution:
(1): "0.5" was replaced by "(5/10)". 2 more similar replacement(s)
Rearrange the equation by subtracting what is to the right of the equal sign from both sides of the equation :
Simplify —
75 1
(———•(x+20))-(2+(—•(x-2))) = 0
100 2
75 (x - 2)
(——— • (x + 20)) - (2 + ———————) = 0
100 2
3.1 Adding a fraction to a whole
Rewrite the whole as a fraction using 2 as the denominator :
2 2 • 2
2 = — = —————
1 2
Equivalent fraction : The fraction thus generated looks different but has the same value as the whole
Answer: Answer: x=-56
Step-by-step explanation: Changes made to your input should not affect the solution:
(1): "0.5" was replaced by "(5/10)". 2 more similar replacement(s)
Rearrange the equation by subtracting what is to the right of the equal sign from both sides of the equation :
Simplify —
75 1
(———•(x+20))-(2+(—•(x-2))) = 0
100 2
75 (x - 2)
(——— • (x + 20)) - (2 + ———————) = 0
100 2
3.1 Adding a fraction to a whole
Rewrite the whole as a fraction using 2 as the denominator :
2 2 • 2
2 = — = —————
1 2
Equivalent fraction : The fraction thus generated looks different but has the same value as the whole
Step-by-step explanation: