Respuesta :
Both of them have memory, both of them use electrical signals, both of them can retrieve and transmit data, both of them have partitions and both of them connect data in order to reach to conclusions which are logical and working.
1. Our brain as a central information processor vs. computer having a central processing unit.
2. Our brain takes sensory input → processing/ sense making → in order to produce behavior as output. Computers work similarly: information input → processing → output task
3.Computers requires both hardware and software to function. Our body is essentially hardware, what we learn from formal education and informal life experiences are software.
4. Besides parallels between brains and computers, our body as a system is a collection of interdependent biochemical processes and signaling systems amongst different cells and organs. Computers work similarly (data bases, services, and front end user interface that talk to each other to carry out functions).
Both human biology and computer science are fascinating. So are human behaviors and computer behaviors. Hope as the age of AI is on the horizon, we can figure out how Humans and Computers can tag team and be better together instead of fighting each other.
human beings and computers have no similarities
acfcourse you can say we work on algorithm as they do
but we're biological form of life they're electrical form
they work on direct energy
we have some of the most complex systems to do work
concluding all these we don't have any similarities like 0.1% and this thing doesn't matter cuz each thing in this galaxy have that level of similarities