Three largest earthquakes ever recorded took place in chile, russia, and alaska. they measured 9 1/10, 9.5, & 9 1/5 on the richter scale. the largest earthquake was in chile. the earthquake in russia was smaller than the one alaska. what did the three earthquakes measure on the richter scale

Respuesta :

9 1/10 = ((9 X 10)+1)10 = 9.1 ; 9.5 ; 9 1/5 = (( 9 x 5 ) +1)/10 = 9.2
The earthquake in chile measured the  largest number on the richter scale: 9.5
The earthquake in russia is the smallest and measured on the richter scale : 9.1
The earthquake in alaska measured greater than the one in russia on the richter scale : 9.2