Respuesta :
A police officer is riding through a neighborhood when he hears a car alarm go off. The window is broken and the car radio is gone. Next to the car is a group of young adults.The police officer pulls over and starts to question the individuals. During the questioning, the police officer notices a bag with a metal bar sticking out of the bag. At that point he arrests the young man with the bag and begins to conduct a full search.
1. Was the officer justified in questioning the young people who were standing around the car?
2. At what point did the police officer decide to make an arrest? Was this legal?Explain your answer using the search and seizure terminology.
The police have been chasing a man who they believe was involved in an assault. The man jumped in a car and a high-speed chase began. The man in the car finally stopped and raninto a house. The police came to the door and searched the house for the man.
1. Was this a legal search? Explain your answer.
The police have come to your house and want to search for stolen goods. You say that they need a search warrant, but they proceed to search anyway.
1. Is this a legal search? Explain your answer.
2. What should you do?
The police come to your house with a search warrant. The warrant indicates that they are looking for marijuana and other illegal drugs. During the process of their search they findseveral unregistered handguns and assault rifles. They do not find any drugs. You are arrested for possession of illegal firearms.
1. Did the police conduct a legal search?
2. They did not find any drugs, but arrest you for the illegal firearms. Is this a legal arrest? Explain your answer.
You are currently living in a correctional facility. An expensive ring has been stolen and everyone's room is being searched. Several of the residents are protesting saying that they have a right to privacy.
1. Does the staff at a correctional facility have the right to search the rooms of the residents? Explain your answer.
A police officer is riding through a neighborhood when he hears a car alarm go off. The window is broken and the car radio is gone. Next to the car is a group of young adults.The police officer pulls over and starts to question the individuals. During the questioning, the police officer notices a bag with a metal bar sticking out of the bag. At that point he arrests the young man with the bag and begins to conduct a full search.
1. Was the officer justified in questioning the young people who were standing around the car?
2. At what point did the police officer decide to make an arrest? Was this legal?Explain your answer using the search and seizure terminology.
The police have been chasing a man who they believe was involved in an assault. The man jumped in a car and a high-speed chase began. The man in the car finally stopped and raninto a house. The police came to the door and searched the house for the man.
1. Was this a legal search? Explain your answer.
The police have come to your house and want to search for stolen goods. You say that they need a search warrant, but they proceed to search anyway.
1. Is this a legal search? Explain your answer.
2. What should you do?
The police come to your house with a search warrant. The warrant indicates that they are looking for marijuana and other illegal drugs. During the process of their search they findseveral unregistered handguns and assault rifles. They do not find any drugs. You are arrested for possession of illegal firearms.
1. Did the police conduct a legal search?
2. They did not find any drugs, but arrest you for the illegal firearms. Is this a legal arrest? Explain your answer.
You are currently living in a correctional facility. An expensive ring has been stolen and everyone's room is being searched. Several of the residents are protesting saying that they have a right to privacy.
1. Does the staff at a correctional facility have the right to search the rooms of the residents? Explain your answer.