Respuesta :

Places and Region: Place describes the features that make a site unique. regionsareareasthat share common characteristics. A place for defined by its distinctive climate and plant life.

Physical Systems: • Natural changes

– How things like hurricanes, volcanoes, and glaciers shape and change the earth’s surface

• Communities of plant and animals

– depend on the one another and their surroundings for survival

Human Systems: Movement is how things move from place to place. (This can be movement of people, ideas and/or beliefs, and goods.) Describes how people have shaped our world.

Environment and Society: How humans effect the environment – Good effects- planting trees for oxygen

– Bad effects-pollution from industries

• How the environment effects human

– Good effects- growing crops on the side of the mountain – Bad effects- the weather effects the clothing and shelter

The uses of geography: • Understand the relationships among people, places, and environments over time

• Understand the past and prepare for the future